Fee Refund Policy

Refund Policy – As per AICTE Guidelines

Refund Policy – As per AICTE Guidelines (Reference: AICTE Guidelines No.- AICTE / Legal / 04(01) / 2007, April 2007) Process of refund of tuition, development and other fees after cancellation of admission secured through CAP rounds, institute level round(s) and vacancy round(s) of admission: The candidate, who has been provisionally admitted, may cancel admission by applying for cancellation in duplicate, in the prescribed format and may request for refund of fee. The refund of fee as applicable shall be made in due course. It is made clear that such application for cancellation will be considered if and only if the admission is confirmed by paying the prescribed tuition fee and other fees in full and by submitting the original documents.

Refund shall be made after deduction of the cancellation charges as shown:



Tiger NixonOn request received before the date of start
of the academic session & seat could be
filled by the Institute before the cut-off date

Entire fee less by Rs 1000/-*

On request received on/after the beginning
of academic session & seat could be filled
by the Institute before the cut-off date

Entire fee less the Seat Cancellation Charges on pro rata basis **

On request received before/after the start of
the academic session & seat could not be
filled by the Institute

No Refund (except security deposit)

Note: • * Entire amount of Security/Caution Money Deposit will be refunded to the candidate.
• ** For calculation of the Cancellation Charges on the pro-rata basis, one month shall be treated as one unit e.g. if the candidate cancels admission on third day i.e. within one month after the start of academic session & the seat is filled before the cut-off date, then Cancellation charges on pro rata basis will be the higher amount of (Entire fee) /12 or Rs1000/-

Extra stringent AICTE Norms for Refund of Fees

AICTE has further tightened its fee refund rules for the MBA/PGDM B-schools for refund of fee. Clause 11 of Chapter IV of AICTE Approval Process Handbook has been amended. AICTE fee refund policy now strictly directs the MBA/PGDM colleges.
– In case of applications submitted by admitted students for withdrawal and refund of fee, MBA/ PGDM Institutions shall allow it till 30th June every year
-Fee refund along with the return of Certificates should be completed within 7 days
The prescribed format for admission withdrawal and fee refund as per AICTE norms of AICTE for fee refund is shared below. Please also cross check with the institute whether they have some other format for fee refund. Application for fee refund/admission withdrawal should be sent to the B-school in 2copies

Application for withdrawal of admission

Acknowledgement of Fee refund claim

If you are submitting the fee refund request in person, please get the fee refund application acknowledged by the authorized person at the B school under his signature, date and stamp of the institute so that you have a valid proof that you submitted the request else the B school may also throw it in the dustbin.

In case you have sent the fee refund application by Registered/speed post/courier, please keep the copy of written application and the postal/courier receipt for your record. If you have sent the MBA fee refund claim by courier, instruct the courier service to provide you the Proof of Delivery (POD) of the fee refund claim letter. No wonder that one day the B school may say you never submitted the request for fee refund.

After receiving the Fee refund

Please also send the fee refund request on mail and a copy of the request should also be sent to AICTE. After receiving the Fee refund
You are supposed to furnish acknowledgement to the institute on receipt of fee refund cheque and original documents. The format is supposed to contain following items, although the acknowledgement slip may differ from one college to other.

Received the following original documents from the ____________________(Name of the B school) along with the cheque towards refund.

1. Cheque no________ date________ amount_________
2. Original document-1 (details)_____________________
3. Original document-2 (details) _____________________
4. Original document-3 (details) _____________________

If fee refund not received in 7 days

  • No MBA college can direct or pressurize you to write only the reason of fee refund as it wants. So, beware of it and write the correct reason of admission withdrawal.
  • Send reminder of fee refund claim to the B-school and to the AICTE if the refund is not received in 7 days. It will help you to retrieve your money faster.
  • In case you still do not get the fee refund, do not wait- immediately write to AICTE & MHRD regarding the undue delay. Ask for the compensation also. The institute has no right to withhold your fee beyond 7 days, once you have withdrawn your admission from there.
  • You can complain to AICTE and MHRD. They have powers to direct the institutes under AICTE Act
  • You may use RTI asking the B school as well as AICTE to clarify the situation as to why the refund is not made. Action by AICTE in case of fee refund failure by B-school in case of B school not refunding the fee amount as per the AICTE fee refund rules to the withdrawing student and on receipt of student’s complaint, AICTE can-
  • Issue show cause notice to the institute
  • Instruct the B school to give back the original documents of the student. (If retained)
  • Initiate disciplinary action against the B schools
  • Withdraw the approval granted to run the program or course
  • Stop admission in the course for 1 year
  • Suspend the approval of supernumerary seats in the B school
  • Impose penalty upon the institute up to twice the total fee collected from one student

Action by AICTE in case of fee refund failure by B-school

in case of B school not refunding the fee amount as per the AICTE fee refund rules to the withdrawing student and on receipt of student’s complaint, AICTE can-

  • Issue show cause notice to the institute
  • Instruct the B school to give back the original documents of the student. (If retained)
  • Initiate disciplinary action against the B schools
  • Withdraw the approval granted to run the program or course
  • Stop admission in the course for 1 year
  • Suspend the approval of supernumerary seats in the B school
  • Impose penalty upon the institute up to twice the total fee collected from one student